smartnuts … the world on the cabaret-style dissecting table

AuthorMichael Bunzel

Michael (Mike) Bunzel (aka maschasan) is a lawyer and engineer currently living in Germany. He has been working in the field of Cybersecurity and related laws and regulations for over 25 years now.Mike took on various roles and functions in the context of Information Security, Cybersecurity, and SCADA/Shopfloor Security at a German car manufacturer in southern Germany for more than fifteen years now - currently in the R&D resort, with focus on E/E-systems in the context of automotive cybersecurity.Mike has worked with global organizations across dozens of countries, cultures and languages, well-travelled in EMEIA, APAC and the Americas.All articles in this blog do NOT reflect the opinion of his employer, but are all an expression of his personal view of things.

EU-Kommission will Cybersicherheits-Schutzschild aufbauen


Achtung – kramt mal Eure Bingo-Karten raus. Nein – nicht die! Die anderen – die für das Bullshit – Bingo! Fertig? Dann mal los: Europa gegen Bedrohungen aus dem Internet widerstandsfähiger machen einen europäischen Cyberschutzschild aufspannen Aufbau einer Akademie für Cybersicherheitskompetenzen auf dem Cyberfeld tummeln sich … hacktivistische Akteure Einsatzzentren...

Hacker für den BND


Die Gehlen-Nachfolgeorganisation ist auf der Suche nach “Hackern”.1 Kahl sagte mit Blick auf finanziell attraktivere Angebote der freien Wirtschaft für IT-Spezialisten: “Viele wollen auf der richtigen Seite arbeiten.” Genau, Herr Kahl – deshalb hat der BND ja Gott sei Dank auch so erhebliche Schwierigkeiten, moralbefreite Subjekte zu finden, die eben diesen Job...

American Politics is a rigged system


A new case study by Harvard Business School asserts that U.S. politicians have rigged the system to such a degree that the U.S. is becoming a failed democracy. The authors of the case-study use the word ‘hijacked’ to describe what the political parties have done to governance in the United States.


smartnuts … the world on the cabaret-style dissecting table

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