smartnuts … the world on the cabaret-style dissecting table

AuthorMichael Bunzel

Michael Bunzel (aka maschasan) is a lawyer and engineer currently living in Germany. He has been working in the field of Cybersecurity and related laws and regulations for over 25 years now.Mike took on various roles and functions in the context of Information Security, Cybersecurity, and SCADA/Shopfloor Security at a German car manufacturer in southern Germany for more than fifteen years - currently in the R&D resort, with focus on E/E-systems in the context of automotive cybersecurity and related regulations in different markets (e.g. UN, EU, China, Korea, India, US, and others).Mike has worked with global organizations across dozens of countries, cultures and languages, well-travelled in EMEIA, APAC and the Americas.All articles in this blog do NOT reflect the opinion of his employer, but are all an expression of his personal view of things.

Secure AI – das neueste Angebot im Snake Oil Shop


Goldgräberstimmung in der Branche der Snake Oil Dealer – nachdem man den Kunden über die letzten Dekaden kontinuierlich ins Hirn gehämmert hat, dass Security Endpoint-Produkte das Seelenheil sowohl Technologie-gestresster Mitfünfziger, die einmal im Jahr zwischen den Feiertagen ein Update von ihren Sprößlingen installieren lassen, als auch das der Digital Natives in den Coffeeshops und Co...

Interpol warns of Metacrime


Wie sieht Bullshit Bingo bei Interpol aus? So: „… Contributing towards a secure-by-design Metaverse, the document identifies current and potential Metacrimes, such as grooming, radicalization and cyber-physical attacks against critical infrastructure, as well as theft of 3D virtual/cultural property, trespassing in private virtual spaces, and robbery from an avatar. …“1 Na, den ersten Lachkrampf...

The Downfall of the Large Language models?


Wann werden wir den Zeitpunkt erreicht haben, an dem die ganzen KI-Modelle keinen menschlichen Trainings-Input mehr „digesten“ können, weil kein nennenswerter, mit menschlicher Kreativität generierter Content mehr erzeugt wird? Nun, eine Antwort auf diese Frage zu geben, ist sicher nicht einfache – nur eins ist klar: Ab diesem Zeitpunkt werden sich die Trainingsdaten der LLMs...

Porsche Macan is falling behind UN R155 Requirements


A slightly fuzzy article that has been put together here by Golem.1 Perhaps briefly summarized: The electrical/electronic system (E/E system) of a vehicle, which had its SOP (start of production) for the first time in 2013, has not been further developed for 10 years and now falls behind the requirements for automotive cybersecurity with the entry into force of UN-R155 rules for so-called...

AI is selecting Killing Targets for Israel Defense Forces (IDF)


Ein interessanter Artikel aus dem Guardian zum AI-gestützten Tötungsprogramm (Arbeitstitel „The Gospel“) der IDF … Money quote: According to Kochavi, “once this machine was activated” in Israel’s 11-day war with Hamas in May 2021 it generated 100 targets a day. “To put that into perspective, in the past we would produce 50 targets in Gaza per year. Now, this machine produces 100...

smartnuts … the world on the cabaret-style dissecting table

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