smartnuts … the world on the cabaret-style dissecting table

UN R155 Cybersecurity Regulation for Motorbikes on its Way


In future, two-wheeled vehicles will also have to be homologated from the perspective of cybersecurity requirements.1 This includes, on the one hand, the operation of a cybersecurity management system including the core processes for identifying, assessing and, if necessary, mitigating cybersecurity risks, field observation, etc. and, on the other hand, the implementation of measures at vehicle level.

UNECE’s Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles decided on Jan 26, 2024 to include motorcycles, scooters and electric bicycles with speed exceeding 25 km/h in the scope of the UN Regulation No. 155 on cyber security and cyber security management.2 

The decision to extend the scope of UN Regulation 155 to motorcycles (vehicle category L) will be submitted to the UNECE-hosted World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) for adoption in June 2024.

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About the author

Michael Bunzel

Michael (Mike) Bunzel (aka maschasan) is a lawyer and engineer currently living in Germany. He has been working in the field of Cybersecurity and related laws and regulations for over 25 years now.

Mike took on various roles and functions in the context of Information Security, Cybersecurity, and SCADA/Shopfloor Security at a German car manufacturer in southern Germany for more than fifteen years now - currently in the R&D resort, with focus on E/E-systems in the context of automotive cybersecurity.

Mike has worked with global organizations across dozens of countries, cultures and languages, well-travelled in EMEIA, APAC and the Americas.

All articles in this blog do NOT reflect the opinion of his employer, but are all an expression of his personal view of things.

By Michael Bunzel
smartnuts … the world on the cabaret-style dissecting table

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