smartnuts … the world on the cabaret-style dissecting table

AI is selecting Killing Targets for Israel Defense Forces (IDF)


Ein interessanter Artikel aus dem Guardian zum AI-gestützten Tötungsprogramm (Arbeitstitel “The Gospel”) der IDF …

Money quote: According to Kochavi, “once this machine was activated” in Israel’s 11-day war with Hamas in May 2021 it generated 100 targets a day. “To put that into perspective, in the past we would produce 50 targets in Gaza per year. Now, this machine produces 100 targets a single day, with 50% of them being attacked.”1

Nun geht man davon aus, dass die AI-Tötungsentscheidungen noch einmal händisch durch Menschen verifiziert werden. Diesbezüglich gibt der Artikel wie folgt Auskunft: “It really is like a factory. We work quickly and there is no time to delve deep into the target. The view is that we are judged according to how many targets we manage to generate.” A separate source told the publication the Gospel had allowed the IDF to run a “mass assassination factory” in which the “emphasis is on quantity and not on quality”. A human eye, they said, “will go over the targets before each attack, but it need not spend a lot of time on them”.

Ich meine – macht ja auch Sinn: Falls man dann doch mal jemanden tötet, den die AI fälschlich getaggt hat, dann ist das halt ein bedauerlicher Softwarefehler – muß man halt die Gewichtsverteilung im neuronalen Netz noch ein wenig adjustieren.

Ach … und noch ein Statement, welches Mut für die Zukunft gibt: “Other states are going to be watching and learning,” said a former White House security official familiar with the US military’s use of autonomous systems.

  1. Link: ↩︎

About the author

Michael Bunzel

Michael (Mike) Bunzel (aka maschasan) is a lawyer and engineer currently living in Germany. He has been working in the field of Cybersecurity and related laws and regulations for over 25 years now.

Mike took on various roles and functions in the context of Information Security, Cybersecurity, and SCADA/Shopfloor Security at a German car manufacturer in southern Germany for more than fifteen years now - currently in the R&D resort, with focus on E/E-systems in the context of automotive cybersecurity.

Mike has worked with global organizations across dozens of countries, cultures and languages, well-travelled in EMEIA, APAC and the Americas.

All articles in this blog do NOT reflect the opinion of his employer, but are all an expression of his personal view of things.

By Michael Bunzel
smartnuts … the world on the cabaret-style dissecting table

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